Another busy night at the fish fry. So busy we forgot to take pictures when we were full. Thanks to everyone who came out and to all the hard working Brothers.Read More
4/18/2024 Stated Communication. End of meeting photos. What a turnout by both Lodges. Sadly the Traveling Gavel has left its longtime home. . One day it will return. To all the other Lodges, we’ll see ya down the road.Read More
4/18/2024 – 70 service award presentation. Brothers these don’t come around all that often. It was great to have so many Brothers present to witness it. Brother Joseph Lloyd Gracey was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on the 28th day of December 1953! Congratulations my Brother. As a side note, we finally...Read More
Another great turnout! We had a large contingent of Brothers from Universal Lodge. They came for the Traveling Gavel. Finally it’s traveling again. We hope this encourages the other Lodges of 19 and 20 to travel around and see their Brothers. Great fun and fellowship was had by all.Read More