Good turn out by all Lodges of the District but the Column Under Construction can only go to one Lodge. Congratulations to Hillsborough Lodge No. 25! Swartsel lost in another run off 😣. We’ll get it back next month!Read More
Tonight we travel to the other end of District 19 to visit with the Brothers of PTF United Lodge. They are a great group of Brothers and showed us a great time! We had 14 Brothers in attendance.Read More
Wow! Must be something in the water up here in Lutz (rhymes with boots). Thank you to all the Brothers who came out to support the Lodge. It is great to see everyone.Read More
Thanks to everyone for coming out to support him. We even had a couple special guests, M:. W:. Robert Lambert and R:. W:. Ben Schwartz. R:. W:. Schwartz gave his presentation on why he is running for Junior Grand Warden. Very interesting and informative. A good time was had by all. PS: Swartsel still has...Read More
We want to congratulate the newly installed Officers. We also want to thank all the friends and family who came out to support us. Special thanks to the Installing Officers, RWDDGM Billy Scott, R:. W:. Robert I Moore and W:. Sam McPherson. Also, we want to thank Worthy Matron Barbara Gant and the rest of...Read More