Another great turnout for our Stated communication!It might be Brother Overman’s good cooking but I think it is all the good fellowship and fun we have together as men and Masons. We are truly blessed as a Lodge. We look forward to seeing everyone next time. Check the Trestle board for the menu. PS: We...Read More
MLT and District School of Instruction. Great time visiting with the Brothers from around District 19. A lot of information being learned and shared.Read More
Fellow Craft Degree tonight at Swartsel. We had a great turnout to support Brothers Deluna, Nordstrom and Perez our newest Fellow Crafts. We are looking forward to their Master Mason degree. These three Brothers are going to be an asset to the Lodge.Read More
Master Mason Association of Hillsborough County. Great night of fellowship and education. We had the pleasure of hearing from a candidate for Senior Grand Warden, Ed Mayfield. Thanks to all the Brothers who came out to support Swartsel. PS: We still have the Traveling Gavel.Read More
Fish Fry Friday! We are moving product tonight . Thanks to all the hard work of the Brothers and family members who came out to help. We can’t do it without you. More importantly thank you to all our customers.Read More
Stated communication. Thanks to all the Brothers who came out to support the Lodge. The Junior Warden made a wonderful meal! He promises to keep it up. Check the trestle board for upcoming menus. Also we had three PDDGMs in attendance, one from all the way up in the panhandle. Also, in case anyone forgot,...Read More
Practice night at the Lodge. We have a Fellow Craft degree on 2/25. Come on out and see all the hard work pay off. It’s always nice to have side liners in attendance getting more education especially under the tutelage of R. H. Feldman.Read More
Officer’s Meeting. Planning for our 100th Anniversary and beyond. We covered a lot of topics. You Brothers who were unable to attend will find out what you were volunteered for. Read More