Another great day on the course with the Brothers. A beautiful day for some okay golf. Swartsel’s monthly golf outing. Looking forward to next month!
Another great day on the course with the Brothers. A beautiful day for some okay golf. Swartsel’s monthly golf outing. Looking forward to next month!
Stated Communication! We were invaded by the Brothers of P T F United. Most of them were District Committeemen coming back to give more information on their committees. We welcomed […]
Road Trip! Our monthly Lodge visit took us north to Brooksville to visit the Brothers of Paul Revere Lodge. An extra bonus it was their DDGM official visit. We had […]
District School of Instruction. Always a good night for fellowship and instruction! Swartsel won the Column Under Construction….again. 😜 Thanks to all the Brothers who came out to support the […]
Masonic Leadership Training. Another informative session by W:. Ruiz. Looking forward to next month.
The few but mighty! Degree practice night for upcoming Fellowcraft Degree.
Stated Communication. What a great way to start off a new month with good food and fellowship. Come for the food and stay for the meeting. We had a special […]
Degree Practice. We are very lucky to have R:. H:. Feldman still giving great instructions to the Brothers of the Lodge. The rest of the Brothers are either listening intently […]
It was a dark and stormy night but Brothers from Districts 19 and 20 met for our monthly MMA meeting. A good time was had by all!
Another successful fish fry! Thanks to all who came out. We hope you enjoyed the food and fellowship. Thanks to all the Brothers who pitched in to help.